71st Congress of Liga Medicorum Homoepathica Internationalis (LMHI)
Datum - 24.08.2016 - 27.08.2016
Sheraton Libertador Hotel
Av. Córdoba 690 01054 Buenos Aires
Themen und Beschreibung
In the history of knowledge there is a rich tradition regarding the representation of man as a reflection of the Universe. Therefore, man is substantially a “small world” in its psycho-physical constitution and carries within himself the information of the three kingdoms. The disease is expressed in the human microcosm, which gives voice to the substance. Homeopathy is the therapy that uses substances from each kingdom and is capable of achieving the balance of the human microcosm.
We invite you to participate in the adventure of the understanding of this microcosm.
Dr. Gustavo Cataldi
Congress President
Organized by:
Escuela Médica Homeopática “Tomás Pablo Paschero” Sanchez de Bustamante 278
(1173) | Buenos Aires | Argentina
Tel.: (005411) 4861-1515 | 4862-5042
Anzahl der Unterrichtseinheiten: 20
Anerkannte Diplompunkte: 20
Registrierungsnummer: 2016-0509-Berl.BB
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Ärztl. Leiter: Gustavo Cataldi
Referenten: Gustavo Cataldi, Eduardo Bitis, Marcelo Candegabe (Argentina) Alcover Lillo, Gloria (Italy) Francois Flores, Fernando (Mexico) Gypser, Klaus-Henning (Germany) Master, Farokh (India) Pareek, Alok (India) Ribeiro Filho, Ariovaldo (Brazil) Ross, Ashley (South Africa) Rutten, Lex (Netherlands) Salunkhe, Anita (India) Servais, Phillippe (France)
Kontaktname: Gustavo Cataldi
Kontakt E-Mail: lmhi2016@gmail.com
Kontakt Telefon: +55 21 2286 2846
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Link zur Veranstaltungswebsite: http://lmhi2016.com.ar
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